About the Journal
“International Journal of Applied Sciences and Society Archives (IJASSA)” is a PEER REVIEWED journal and follows the uniform requirements for manuscripts, updated on ijassa.com. IJASSA is adopted fully online article submission, tracking and peer review system.
International Journal of Applied Sciences and Society Archives (IJASSA) is multidisciplinary online open access journal. The journal has a deliberately broad scope and publishes high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies, literature reviews, book reviews, theses/dissertations and academic essays. The IJASSA covers scholarly research articles in the field of all Social Sciences, Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Physical & Numerical Sciences and Engineering which include, but not limited to, Anthropology, Humanities, Gender Studies, International Relations, Law, Political Science, Philosophy, Criminology, Women Education, Women Empowerment, Education, Sociology, Psychology, Physical Education & Sports, Special Education, JMC, Islamic Studies, Pakistan Studies, Cultural Studies, History, Linguistic and Literature, Economics, Commerce, Management Sciences, Botany, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Zoology, Chemistry, Mahematics, Phsics, Computer Sciences, Agricultural Education, Entomoloy, Engineering, Allied Health Sciences and other related subjects. Authors are encouraged to submit your papers through Open Journal System (OJS) or send to us via this email chiefeditor@ijassa.com directly according to the submission guidelines.
IJASSA is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access. There is no subscription charges for accessing or downloading full text articles published in the journal. The work of this journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
IJASSA is a peer reviewed journal following double blind peer review system. The manuscript with publication potential will be sent to TWO subject experts for peer review. Based on its quality, novelty, and relevance for publication peer reviewer will evaluate the suitability of the article for publication. A reviewer is given a period of minimum 4 weeks to go through a manuscript and send the suggestions to the editor. A reminder from the editor will be generated if the editor fails to review on time, with additional 4 weeks’ time for review to be completed. If a reviewer is unable to meet the period agreed upon or he declines to review the manuscript, the manuscript will be sent to another reviewer.
The editors have established a system for rapid review of especially important manuscripts. This may include review only by editors or asking reviewers to complete their evaluations within a shorter period of time than is allowed routinely. Authors who seek rapid review should explain why their manuscripts merit such review.
Final decision
Reviewers are instructors to authors and editors. Suggestions with respect to acceptance, revision or rejection of manuscripts may be provided by the editors to reviewers. Editors will acknowledge the recommendations made by the reviewers, but final decision will be taken by editor. Suggestions in the manuscript would be returned to authors for reconsideration. Authors will be granted a two weeks’ time period to make corrections as suggested by the reviewers. Authors will be asked to send a detailed covering letter addressing the issues pointed out by the reviewers with a point-by-point answer describing the corrections done/ reasons for not doing so. If manuscript is found satisfying by authors and editors, it will be accepted for publication in the coming issue. Editors holds the right to make amendments in the accepted article according to format of journal. The journal has a panel of experts on board with variety of knowledge and different viewpoints.
Currently, there is no processing or publication charges.
All manuscript submitted to the journal undergo plagiarism check via Turnitin software. The maximum text matching allowed in the journal is 19%.
Authors retain the rights of free downloading/unlimited e-print of full text and sharing/disseminating the article without any restriction, by any means including twitter, scholarly collaboration networks like Google Scholar, LinkedIn, Academia.edu, ResearchGate, Twitter, and any other professional or academic networking sites. Authors also retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions. The journal allows authors to deposit versions of their work in an institutional or other repository of their choice.